Location search - results
Service point: Electronic library

The item you clicked on is an e-resource.
You can access it via the link in the details of the item in Aalto-Primo database (field: Links).

Most electronic resources are available to all users within the Learning Centre premises.
Aalto University staff and students can also remotely access e-resources with their Aalto IT accounts. Remote Access Instructions >>

All use of e-resources licensed by the Aalto University Learning Centre is under the conditions of use. Principles described below apply to the library materials in general, but for individual materials there might be divisions that are to be followed. Read more >>

What is permitted?
  • Browsing.
  • Searching.
  • Printing and saving of a reasonable amount of search results for personal study and research.
  • E-mailing material to a colleague as a part of scientific communication.
  • Use in non-commercial teaching material by linking to materials on a service provider's website.
What is prohibited?
  • Systematic or considerable copying or saving of resources.
  • Commercial use of resources.
  • Use of programs which automatically search or rake for resources (spider, crawler, robot).
  • Modifying, applying, moving, translating or creating resources based on the resources provided by the service or any other action violating the copyright restrictions of the resources.
  • Creating a new collection from the materials provided by the service by systematically saving the whole or parts of the material.